Event box

Yoga on the Lawn

Yoga on the Lawn In-Person

The Blue Hill Public Library is sponsoring an afternoon of yoga on the library lawn with Friend of the library Arlee Woodsworth Morris on Friday, June 28 at 4pm. 

Please join Arlee for a fun yoga session on the library lawn! All ages and abilities are welcome. Wear clothing you feel comfortable moving in and a mat or blanket. We will start with some gentle breathwork, and move into some warm up stretches and work on balance poses. Then we will have a nice savasana at the end (the yoga nap!). People can come and go as they please. It will be a casual environment to do some community movement. Grab a popsicle from the Blue Chill across the street to hydrate after class! 

Arlee Woodworth Morris has been teaching yoga for over 10 years. She received her 200 hour training from Jai Yoga in 2013 and her 80 hour prenatal training from Five Points Yoga in Cambridge, MA. She has taught in big gyms, corporate offices, small hippie studios, and lots of private sessions from Boston to Maine. She currently teaches at the Blue Hill YMCA. She lives in Blue Hill with her family. 

This program is free and open to all. For more information, please call the library at 374-5515 or email Kayleigh at kayleigh.thomas@bhpl.net

Friday, June 28, 2024
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
  Children     General/Adult     Young Adult  

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Kayleigh Thomas
Kayleigh Thomas

Assistant Director
(207) 374-5515 x11.